Want to Play College Sports? Get Ready.
Student atheles please review the NCAA Eligibility Check List below and take the steps required at your grade level in order to be eligibile for NCAA athletic scholarships. For more information about GPA and ACT/SAT requirements visit: www.2point3.org.
Freshman Ask your counselor for a list of your high school's NCAA core courses and make sure you take them. Study hard and earn good grades.
Sophomores Register at the beginning of the year at www.eligibilitycenter.org. Make sure you take core courses on your high school's list of NCAA courses.
Juniors Check with your counselor to make sure you are on track to graduate on time. Take the ACT or SAT and submit your socres to the NCAA using code 9999. At the end of the year, ask your counselor to send your official transcript to the Eligibility Center.
Seniors Take the ACT or SAT again, if necessary. Request amateurism certification after April 1. After you graduate, ask your counselor to sumbit your final official transcript with proof of graduation to the Eligibility Center.